Contemporary wood surfaces for windows : uPVC woodec better than wooden

04. Jun 2021  
Contemporary wood surfaces for windows: woodec better than wooden
Contemporary wood surfaces for windows: woodec better than wooden

Over the past years uPVC windows have become an obvious choice. The popularity can be seen in their widespread use for homes and office spaces. Woodec has thus been designed to provide the benefits of uPVC windows along with the look of wooden windows for that natural feel. Now let’s explore why uPVC windows have gained popularity over wooden windows and started dominating the market.

Value for money: As compared to timber or other materials, the installation of woodec is inexpensive and cost-effective. It doesn’t require yearly maintenance and stays like new for decades, thus saving a lot of money on things like varnishing and repainting that are required for natural materials.

Durability: Woodec retains its shape and strength for years. It boasts of innovative scratch-resistant graining with a sand-matt feel of powder-coated aluminium. It is corrosion resistant and can withstand harsh weather elements and doesn’t get damaged by rain or humidity. Additionally, woodec is termite resistant and also protects against UV rays.

Low maintenance: Woodec is relatively low maintenance and easy to clean. Even slightly abrasive cleaning agents can also be used to clean it without worrying about any damage to the surface. Unlike wooden windows that require regular sanding, repainting, woodec uPVC windows are not at all likely to rot, fade, corrode or rust.

Insulation: Another advantage is that it helps safeguard against extreme weather conditions as uPVC is a low conductor of heat. woodec minimizes cooling loss and keeps your home cooler during summer thereby indirectly saving electricity bills and keeps your home cozy.

Functional yet fashionable: One of the many benefits of woodec is the wooden finish that gives it a matt touch to match with the decor of any home or office. It can be used for interior as well as exterior surfaces and is available in four finishes – turner oak malt, turner oak toffee, sheffield oak alpine and sheffield oak concrete.

Environment-friendly: Low use of resources in the production of woodec ensures recycling of production waste. Also, unnecessary consumption of resources is controlled through production batch sizes tailored to requirements.

The above points consolidate the fact that woodec surfaces look just as warm as wood and can perfectly match your space – old or new. Their low maintenance and cost-effectiveness guarantee they will look their best for years to come.

For more information about woodec uPVC windows click thelink.

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