Diversity. Perfect for architects and planners.


Regarding design and functional benefits.
Perfect for architects and planners.

For architects & planners

Diversity in design and functionality

aluplast window and door systems offer an incredible diversity in design and functionality while guaranteeing outstanding U values: Recessed and semi-recessed design, backstop or centre gasket systems and profiles with classical angular or round outlines.

Our product range meets today’s market requirements and fulfils the highest expectations. All systems are compatible and offer the perfect solution for any purpose. Even the highest Passive House standard is not a problem at all.


Use our laminated decor profiles and aluminium shells to design the facade and set aesthetical accents. Learn more about the different colour design options.



Product data sheets and tender texts

You are searching for detailed product data sheets or tender texts for aluplast products? Please use the aluplast login area for architects.


aluplast Türkiye

aluplast weltweit


aluplast Turkiye

Roßlauf 26
4552 Wartberg an der Krems
Tel. +90 537 760 0026


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technical glossary

colour and design


aluplast worldwide

aluplast worldwide


aluplast GmbH
Auf der Breit 2
DE-76227 Karlsruhe
Tel. +49 (721) 47171-0
Fax +49 (721) 47171-999