Specialist. For windows and doors.


For windows and doors.

Planning and Tender

aluplast offers specially developed software

to assist you with

  • creating tender texts
  • bid proposals
  • automatical creation of cross-sectional drawings and combinations of window and door elements
  • generating 3D drawings
  • calculation of isotherms

The software does not require knowledge of CAD applications or any other specific DP skills, so that the user can quickly and easily achieve the desired results.

Due to the update function, the software is always up to date. Moreover, general information and useful documents are included, for example maintenance and ventilation instructions, product info brochures and many more.

Please contact us! We will be pleased to assist you!


aluplast Türkiye

aluplast weltweit


aluplast Turkiye

Roßlauf 26
4552 Wartberg an der Krems
Tel. +90 537 760 0026


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quick access to the most important information

technical glossary

colour and design


aluplast worldwide

aluplast worldwide


aluplast GmbH
Auf der Breit 2
DE-76227 Karlsruhe
Tel. +49 (721) 47171-0
Fax +49 (721) 47171-999