Yeni binalar ve yenilenenler için.
Polis kayıtlarına göre, bir çok hırsız kapı ve pencereleri zorlayıp kaldırarak, vurarak yada delerek açar. aluplast PVC pencereleri ile evinizi davetsiz misafirlerden koruyun.
Hırsızlık korumasına açısından kalite, genellikle pencere profilinin çita ve diğer donanımlarla etkileşimiyle sağlanır.
Eylül 2011 de hırsızlık koruması için yeni DIN EN 6127 standartı yayınladı. Bu standartta hırsızlık koruması RC 1 den RC 6 ya kadar dır.
Aşağıdaki tabloda beklenen hırsız tipi ve haraketi ve koruma sınıfları yeralmaktadır.
DIN EN 1627 | DIN V ENV 1627 (until 09/2011) | Wider-standszeit | Tätertyp / Vorgehensweise |
RC 1 N | 3 min | Components in resistance class 1 offer basic protection against attempted forced entry with physical violence, such as kicking or pulling out. This class comprises only windows with standard glazing. | |
RC 2 N | WK 2 without safety glass | 3 min | Casual thieves use simple tools as well, such as screwdrivers, pliers and wedges, to break open the closed and locked component. Forced entry is supposed to be prevented by other means, for this reason only standard glazing is installed. |
RC 2 | WK 2 | 3 min | Expected burglar type and burglar behaviour correspond to class RC 2 N. The installation of a safety glass according to EN 356 is mandatory. |
RC 3 | WK 3 | 5 min | The habitual burglar uses a second screwdriver and a crow-bar as well to break open the closed and locked component. |
RC 4 | WK 4 | 10 min | The experienced burglar uses sawing and hammering tools as well, such as axes, chisels, hammers and battery-operated drills. |
RC 5 | WK 5 | 15 min | The experienced burglar uses high-performance power tools as well, such as drills, sabre saws and grinders with a maximum wheel diameter of 125 mm. |
RC 6 | WK 6 | 20 min | The experienced burglar uses high-performance power tools as well, such as drills, sabre saws and grinders with a maximum wheel diameter of 250 mm. |
aluplast Turkiye
Roßlauf 26
4552 Wartberg an der Krems
Tel. +90 537 760 0026
aluplast GmbH
Auf der Breit 2
DE-76227 Karlsruhe
Tel. +49 (721) 47171-0
Fax +49 (721) 47171-999