For windows and doors.
For this reason we place emphasis on close cooperation with successful suppliers to meet this goal, which also defines our purchasing activities. We select our suppliers not only from the point of view of cost but first of all assess their reliability and the quality of their performance, this is, we have high expectations regarding:
We ask you to kindly complete the following supplier assessment form and return it to us so that we can get a picture of your business profile in advance. By this means we can consider you as a supplier for future enquiries and invitations to tender. Please send the completed excel sheet below einkauf(at)aluplast.net:
Lieferantenselbstauskunft.xls (in German)
Further actions are described in the aluplast work instructions “Lieferantenerfassung” (Supplier Assessment).
1. Level - Series Supplier
You meet the requirements of our supplier evaluation and are rated as A-list supplier. At least once a year a supplier evaluation is carried out.
2. Level - Key Supplier
You have proven to be a reliable series supplier and you optimise the business relation by increasing your productivity to the mutual benefit of all those involved. We conclude long-term framework purchasing agreements with you.
3. Level - Preferred Supplier
You are a strategically important partner for aluplast and you contribute with know-how and innovations to our business relation. You invest and participate in the development of new products.
aluplast Turkiye
Roßlauf 26
4552 Wartberg an der Krems
Tel. +90 537 760 0026
aluplast GmbH
Auf der Breit 2
DE-76227 Karlsruhe
Tel. +49 (721) 47171-0
Fax +49 (721) 47171-999